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Monday, January 29, 2007

Abstract 3.0


Dennis said...

Very nice,

I visit the Blue Sky blog too. I really liked the Star Wars challenge and currently have the Luke on Hoth pic as my desktop.

Do these abstract pieces have a story behind them?

maddsketch said...


Philip Thomas said...

I really like your abstractions, keep it up!

Dave Dind said...

Hey Dennis-

Sorry I haven't responded for AGES! There is a rudimentary story behind each piece, but they only developed while I was creating them. The orange one, for instance, looked to me like a battle between these weird cog creatures that exist inside of a computer or network of computers. They were studies of what I could come up with visually more than stories really. Thanks for the comment! Update your blog damn you!

Phil - Thanks mate! I had fun making these, and will do more in the future! You got any new work online somewhere?